
WISE - WASH in Southeast Asia (Indonesia)

  • Indonesia    Education, Environment, Humanitarian Aid, Poverty
Raised So Far USD 6,414 Raised Offline : USD 6,414

WISE - WASH in Southeast Asia (Indonesia)

Who is WISE?
WISE is a non-profit organisation that acts towards a Southeast Asia that is equitable and sustainable for all. The organisation was co-founded by Dian and Yoke Pean, who wanted to create a community of Southeast Asians for Southeast Asia. Our projects are run entirely by local teams in Indonesia, Cambodia and Singapore.

Our areas of focus are water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management, though we also collaborate on causes related to public health, inclusion, education, and climate change. We run community development, capacity building and behaviour change programs in Indonesia and Cambodia, and also offer consulting services to other companies and non-profit organisations.

Why water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)?
Our founders were trained in WASH-related fields and had been involved in the sector for many years when they started WISE. WASH is the mechanism through which WISE is best able to drive equality and social justice.

Did you know that:
  • Diarrhea accounts for 6% of deaths of children under five in Cambodia, despite being an almost completely preventable disease with safe access to WASH? (Countdown to 2030: Cambodia Health Data)

What do you do in Indonesia?

In Indonesia, our activities are currently focused in Nagekeo regency in Flores, Indonesia. With two staff based there, we currently run two projects: (1) Story of the Land to reconnect people to their environment through their traditional wisdom and beliefs; (2) an English Club for children, in partnership with Yayasan Sao Mere.We have plans to expand our work on WASH and waste management issues over the coming year.

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Bank transfer
Yayasan WISE WASH in Southeast Asia
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