Be part of Asia’s biggest online giving network. Crowdfunding through loans can help small businesses and social enterprises create jobs in our local economies and stimulate innovations needed to do good on a scalable and sustainable basis.

how it works

Register your organisation for FREE.

There are no up-front costs and no long-term contracts. Leverage the best technology with the highest standards of security and compliance without the risk!

Submit your loans application.

Our investment team will review your application for a loan with minimum fuss. The key elements are social/environmental impact and robust financial performance.

Feature your loans requirement and campaign.

We'll help you get started plus you can access video tutorials and our support help desk for answers to your questions and inspiration.

Watch your community fundraising grow. makes it easy for people to lend to you and fundraise for you. Securely login to download loans reports, and access partner resources through our dedicated support helpdesk 24/7.

Work on growing your business and repay your loan.

You can provide regular updates to your supporters and receive invaluable feedback from them too!

Selection criteria

  •  A focus on the “unbankable”. Partners that work directly with communities with limited or no access to formal financial services. Our partners have a strong social mission and reach the “last mile” – those who are economically and socially outside the reach of mainstream services and support, including hard to reach rural populations and other vulnerable or marginalised groups.
  •   Effectiveness. Our partners are organisations that can demonstrate sustained, meaningful improvements in the communities they service.
  •   Innovativeness. Our partners are organisations that tackle old problems in new ways, demonstrating innovation and creativity in their program strategies and approaches.
  •  Strong leadership. We look for committed, respected and dynamic leadership with a vision for change.
  •   Reputation. We look for organisations that are recognised and trusted in their communities.
  •   UN Sustainable Development Goals. We align financing priorities to projects that meet one or more of the Global Goals.


Why fundraise through loans on

  •  Get access to capital at a lower costs. There is no interest on the loan, other than a one-off service fee for the use of the platform (*see our small service fee and bank charges).
  •   Use to cast a wider net and open doors. It will give your project access to a support network that can engage a highly motivated group of lenders who act as evangelist and a rich and detailed source of feedback.
  •   Use as a platform that provides validation as well as funding. It will help you test the marketability of your product or services if it manages to attract a large number of individuals who find your idea interesting, worth their investment, time and attention.
  •  Be treated as a serious business. Build a strong and sustainable organisation that is not totally reliant on donations. Empower yourselves by applying commercial discipline to doing good.
  •   Access to "Patient" capital Balanced on creating impact and adopting a long-term horizon where needed.