TNRM is a registered society run by volunteers.
Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage (TNRM) is a humane alternative to euthanasia for managing and reducing community stray cat and dog populations. In a nutshell, what we do is we trap/catch stray cats and dogs, get the neutered, then release them back to where they were found in order to manage the stray population in the most humane, effective and sustainable way. We work with community feeders who will continue to feed help to manage the stray packs once they have been sterilized.
TNRM begins with the trapping of community strays using humane traps. The captured strays are taken to a veterinary clinic where they are sterilised. The sterilised animals are marked so that they can be easily identified, usually by cropping the pointed end of the ear so that it has a square appearance (known as ear tipping) or cutting a notch at the tip or on the side of the ear.
After the animal has recovered from surgery, it is subsequently returned and released to the site of capture. The animals are then managed back in their original environment.
A caregiver then provides regular food and monitors the colony over time. With TNRM, the animal's reproductive capacity is eliminated, leading to a gradual decline in their numbers. Nuisance behaviors such as aggression and howling are also substantially reduced as well as the spread of diseases.
To those who believe in our cause and would like to contribute, PLEASE DONATE!
Contacts: +6012-6564232 (Stuart) or +6012-9696573 (Jean).
Raised MYR 3,368
Raised MYR 120