
If you're passionate about raising awareness for mental health in Hong Kong please support us by donating to Mind HK.

My Story

Lorena stumbled across yoga through her day job as an Occupational Therapist working in a special needs school in London several years ago. After seeing the power that movement can have, she fell in love with yoga and became a qualified teacher. She now works yoga into her OT practice for kids and also teaches adults after work to breath, connect and find an inner awareness that helps them with everyday life. Lorena's style is fun and fluid incorporating music and spirituality. Her classes follow a dynamic Vinyasa Flow so expect to break a sweat and feel energized to tackle the rest of your week. 

Steph works in corporate innovation looking at how space and community can support creativity, collaboration and individual development. Aside from her work in organizational change, Steph is passionate about seeing attitudes towards mental health in Hong Kong change, regularly supports Mind HK and is about to start a part-time Masters in Psychology at City U. 

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