
"We can't help everyone but everyone can help someone." -Dr. Loretta Scott Covid-19 has become more and more serious in Malaysia. We need your help to give hope to Malaysia. We have a choice, we can be bitter, or we can be better. Let's do this together!

My Story

Greetings to all of you, our fundraising event has ended here! We have successfully raised our fund to help MERCY Malaysia about RM 1,562 by using Simply Giving website. Thank you for your generous, continued and vital support and donations toward us and MERCY Malaysia. We are thrilled to have your support. Through your donation we have been able to accomplish our fundraising event. You truly make the difference for us, and we are extremely grateful!
我们的筹款活动已经结束啦!我们成功地通过Simply Giving筹募网站筹集了一共RM 1,562的资金,并会将这些资金100%捐助给大马医药援助学会。在此我们真诚的感谢您们大家的慷慨解囊。 请继续关注大马医药援助学会帮助他们支持医疗服务和国内的基本需求。

Recent Donors

  • Tan Wan Juan

    加油 ❤

    MYR 10 02/25/2021 01:15:57 PM UTC

  • M LY

    MYR 10 02/23/2021 01:25:18 PM UTC

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