Dear Donor,
The Refugee Union, established in 2014, stands as a testament to the resilience of two thousand members with a deep sense of solidarity and the pursuit of a dignified life amidst adversity.
By choosing to support refugees, you are not only contributing to immediate needs, but investing in rebuilding our lives, restoring dignity and fostering a sense of belonging.
In a world where borders divide us, compassion unites us, and your generosity can make a profound contribution. This is a unique opportunity to make a direct and transformative impact on families facing unimaginable challenges.
This year we aspire to raise HKD 88,800 to address the urgent financial needs of our members. Your donation will directly contribute to alleviating the immediate challenges we face, from buying essential groceries to covering urgent expenses and caring for young children. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal!
Your support is more than a donation; it's a message of hope and solidarity. Together, let's extend a helping hand to all the refugees we serve. Donate now to contribute to our goal and spread the word by sharing this program with your friends and on social media.
For the latest updates, inspiring stories, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of our work, follow us on Facebook [@refugeeunion] and Instagram [@refugeeunion]. Your support extends beyond donations — it's a chance to be a part of our community and journey.
Thank you for being there for us!
Warm regards,
Refugee Union
Your are cordially invited to visit our center and follow us on social media 😊
Address: Unit B, 2 Floor, Lee Fung Building, 315-319 Queen's Road Central,
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +852-98287176
Facebook: @refugeeunion
Instagram: @refugeeunion
Society Registration: CP/LIC/SO/19/53019