
MareCets month long fundraiser. Donate your Dosh to the Dolphins!!!!

My Story

The Hughes sisters are coming together and going vegan for a month....which believe me, in Malaysia and Thailand, where we both live, is not easy!!! What's more, the Hughes' are the daughters of a former slaughterman and the sisters of a butcher.....we are expecting jibes and ridicule and hunger :p However, we are tough and determined to raise awareness and try to encourage more sensible decision making about where our food comes from. Lets support local farmers and local produce. Lets move away from plastic packaging. Lets live in a world that isn't on fire. Let the only fire be in your soul, the burning need to love and care for our planet. You can very easily demonstrate this by hitting our 'Donate' button and help us raise money for MareCet. A local Marine Mammal Research Organisation in Malaysia. The only one of its kind, committed to understanding and conserving our beautiful marine environment. Thank you!

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